Saturday, 9 February 2013

Armadillo Lamp & Sheep Wool

Okay so hard to see but did test bake for the buffalo heads, will be easier to see when it's textured...hopefully. I think I need to make the normal makes deeper but yosh...

 Modelled me some weird fox...I know the pose is weird but that's how its standing in a photo I have. Does seems to want to fall backwards so I will change it so it's a little more balanced looking. I also make a armadillo lamp....I love my FMP :D

Tried multiple ways of doing wool in Zbrush, I made a few of my own aplha's but it wasn't great. Tried to sculpt it but it became too blobby. I found a alpha on Pixologics website and it seemed to work better. But I dunno if I like it. Too many hours on trying to make it look cool, but it works alright right now...and now I'm blabbing.

I also tried to sculpt my brick today...might try it again or maybe do it in NDo if I can get it working again. Took me a while to understand the image projection in Zbrush. I kinda understand it but It would seem to work better just for polypainting.

Anywho that is my update for today. Need to actually finish some stuff which would be nice. If I focus on teh boring stuff tomorrow i.e. the modulated building parts, then I can start the UDK file which would be cool. 

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