Since Chris gave us another week to get our screenshots together I took that time just to model a few little bits and play with the post possessing a bit. The below images are the finals, note not the high res versions because they wouldn't upload. But its nice to see it done. My weekend will be de-res textures for submission and working on presentation, the level has generic factory sounds that I slapped together using various audios and Audacity. (I'll add a screenshot if i can find it below) And yeah awesome my next post will be an evaluation on my beautiful work and I might try render out all the assets together in max or something. I think I have...around 150 or so assets...that'll be fun to put in one scene. I think I'll do it via UDK actually.

P.S. Vibrancy will probably change due to your screen so sorry if I blind you, that is all :)